Friday, December 5, 2008

Finally Friday!

Those of you who have known me for a while know what a fan of Martin Sexton I have become over the years. When I first heard "The Beast in Me" back in 1999, it was obvious that this guy possessed something special. In 2006, my wife and I had the chance to see him on Earth Day @ Grand Central Station in New York. A few hundred people and a sunny day in NYC seemed to be the recipe for the perfect concert. Here's a video from the show and a track from New Year's @ The Calvin Theatre. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

1 comment:

Ryan Spaulding said...

You have excellent taste. I still remember my first ever Martin Sexton show. I was invited to go out with a friend, a rabid Sexton follower... This was back in the early days - his first album. I was prepared not to be impressed. Within ten minutes, I was completely won over. I ended up seeing the man play some 14 - 16 times before "the bug" began to lose its hold on me. He is one hell of a performer! I would urge anyone who feels they know what a solo artist is capable of up on stage to see Martin Sexton live. Surrender just one evening and it'll change your way of listening to live music.